[Topic Officiel] MGS : The Twin Snakes

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Mario Bros
Mario Bros
Messages : 290
Inscription : mer. 15 oct. 2003 - 11:44

[Topic Officiel] MGS : The Twin Snakes

Message par russellbx »

Interview Denis Dyack, Président de Silicon Knights, le studio de développement en partenariat avec Nintendo et Konami qui a créé Metal Gear Solid : The Twin Snakes

1) Jacquette Européenne, US et Jap

2) Date de Sortie

Europe : 26 Mars 2004 (2 Mini-DVD)

Etats-Unis : 09 Mars 2004

Japon : 11 Mars 2004.

3) Scénario

4) Images


5) Vidéos

MGS : TT Trailer (27mins)

5) Interview Denis Dyack (Source : IGN)

0) BizzyB asks - "Has the A.I. been significantly improved over MGS2? if so, how? examples?"

Well, the A.I. in MGS:TS is significantly improved over MGS1 and is improved over MGS2. One of the major enhancements to the A.I. was to have clearing outside which MGS 2 did not do. This was challenging to design and implement but we feel the players will notice this difference. So from that aspect one may call it significant.

1) jerlink asks - "What is your favorite new feature/addition of TTS compared to MGS?"

There are many additions: the technology enhancements, game play enhancements, graphic enhancements, and the new cinematics. If I were to pick one I guess I would say the overall experience of the game compared to the first one. When watching people play the game it is always great to see how surprised they are about the quality of the experience. From this perspective, I believe our collaboration was very successful.

2) legolas9876 asks - "Will there be any improvements in making the characters' mouths match their dialogue over what we saw in the 27 minute trailer?"

Hey legolas9876, I loved Lord of the Rings! What a film! I believe this type of development will forever change the entertainment industry; I know it has influenced us!

I am not sure when that trailer was cut. I think it was done before the cinemas were finalized. So it is possible that some polish may have been added to them since this trailer was edited. I know that Kojima-sans group along with Kitamora-san were polishing these as much as possible until we had to put them in the game as final.

3) AlbertAaberg asks - "What do you think is the most important thing you've learned during this development that you'll use in future games?"

I would have to say that by collaborating with Konami we really have come to understand and appreciate high production value in games. From this standpoint, we feel that they are unparalleled in the games industry. We like their style and believe we have grown by working with them.

In comparing Eternal Darkness to MGS:TS we feel it is like comparing a foreign film to a Hollywood movie. The content of ED was strong but people had to give it time to truly appreciate it. Now, MGS starts off with high cinematic impact almost right away. We will always stay true to our roots in story telling and emersion but we will be cranking it up a notch or two when it comes to production value in our future games.

4) spawn_of_apathy asks - "Have any of the moves/abilities been improved from MGS2's, or are they the same (i.e. using guards for shields/punch-punch-kick combos)?"

All of the abilities from MGS2 have been adapted for MGS 1. In some cases they are slightly different but overall most of the hardcore players will recognize them as the same from MGS2.

5) gigadesp2 asks - "Can you tell us if there is going to be any pre-order bonuses offered to people who pre-order the game in North America?"

I am not sure at this point. I am sure if there is a demand for this then it might be possible. I am currently looking into this as I know that many people here on the boards have expressed interest in getting the Japanese bundle. It sure is a pretty cool deal.

6) lilcooldudelcd asks - "Denis, have you ever played any MG or MGS games before? If so, which ones, and which did you enjoy most?"

Yes, I have played MGS 1 & MGS 2. I loved MGS 1 for the story and innovation. I also loved MGS 2 for the production values and level of awe during the cut scenes. If I were to pick one it would probably be MGS 1.

v7) greasy1982 asks - "Mr. Dyack, why was the decision made to re-record the dialogue for The Twin Snakes?"[/b]

Everyone felt the quality of recordings from the 1st game were not high enough (sample rates) for today's standards. I also believe Kojima-san felt he wanted to slightly change some of the dialog.

8) Brianrlove asks - "Is the Final Build of Twin Snakes going to be running at a constant 60 frames per second?"

No, there are a few rare occasions where it may drop below 60fps. However, these are rare and I have never seen it ever detract from game play. As an example, the frame rate of TS is much more stable then most games. IMHO, if you compare it to something like Halo, TS is substantially better. If frame rate was not an issue for you other MGS games it will definitely not be problem with TS as I think we have the best frame rate of the series.

And although the frame rate has been improved from the press review build (it is was made a few months ago), I was bit surprised to see frame rate ever mentioned as a criticism. I definitely think it is not a even worth mentioning. It is hard to recall exactly what the frame rate was like in the press build, so the final build is better. As far as the curent build goes, if you look hard you may see a momentary drop occasionally from 60fps. However, these instances are few and far between and you have to be looking for them to notice them. Frame rate is not an issue in my mind.

9) npsxbox asks - "How was the score for the Twin Snakes composed? Are they midi music, or were they orchestrated?"

Well the cinematic music was done at Konami of Japan while the in game music was done in house at SK. They are all composed tracks not midi tracks.

10) spaduece asks - "In your opinion how is this game look graphically compared to Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty? Is it on the same par or greater than?

I feel that TS is definitely graphically superior than MGS 2 because of the increased texture size and texture layers. It is difficult to see this difference in stills but when you see the game in motion the differences will be apparent.

11) anothrnobdy asks - "Regarding controller set-up, will there be a specific layout for those that wish to use the PS2 controller w/converter?"

No sorry. Use a GC controller you will be better off.

12) insert_username asks - "Now that the development is over, do you feel entirely satisfied with the game or would you say there are some things you really would've wanted to add? Things that you personally might've held dear?

Well, a game never is really finished and you always want to do more. If there was thing we would have liked to add it would be the V.R. missions. During the development we chose to focus more on the core game, which was definitely the right decision in retrospect. So there are no regrets but if we could do one more thing that would be it I think.

13) vyper6 asks - "Will items and weapons be placed in the same locations as the original or have their locations been altered to make the game a bit more challenging for MGS veterans?"

Extreme difficulty is very challenging, believe me. If you want a challenge you will not be disappointed. If you beat the game on extreme first time playing with no radar and achieve Big Boss rating you will be my personal hero. To my knowledge there has only been one person who achieved this level from many testers testing this game and I don't think he wanted to do it again. I believe item placement is different for different difficulty levels and some locations may be the same as the original.

14) chezzaro_maldini asks - "At the very beginning of the development cycle or pre production work, did Konami ever say or imply that you were going to re-do cut-scenes? And by that I mean was Silicon Knights given the chance to re do all the scenes, all by yourselves."

This was discussed early on because as there was a little concern about the cinematics being done away from the main implementation team. However, Kojima-san had a vision with Kitamora-san in mind befor the game before we started and in the end that definitely seemed it is clear that was the correct decision.

15) v4gr4nt asks - "What are the expectations of Nintendo and Konami regarding sales, considering it is a remake that most people have already played?"

Millions and millions of units will be sold! That information is confidential sorry.

16) gtaobsessors asks - "I'd like to know what there will be in terms of extras (even little things like Casting Theater or Boss Battle mode like in Substance)?"

Both the casting theatre and Boss Battle mode are in the game. All of the secrets that players have come to expect from MGS will be there. Ghost pictures, dog tags, as well as an array of other neat surprises.

17) CreepCramp asks - "How long will it take to complete the game, i.e. how many gameplay hours (on average)?"

This depends on difficult level. An experienced player on normal will probably take between 12 - 20 hours the first time through. On extreme, no radar, no discover modes one of the best players testing game took 3 days straight playing to complete it with many saves. Hehe, the replay and challenge is there if you are looking for that.

18) Da--Man asks - "Have there been any improvements made to the 2-D codec faces? For example have more frames of animation been added?"

No they are true to the original game.

19) Zen_Games_Ninja asks - "Someone claims to have a final review copy of the game - it just seems peculiar - have you sent review copies out already?"

Review copies have been sent out and many reviews and previews have now begun to surface. I have seen the forum post in question and some things seem correct while other things were definitely wrong. If the press version was played then it seemed like it was played quickly and things were missed.

20) finalfantasy7reborn asks - "Will you be able to customize the buttons for the controller?"

No, sorry, they are set.

21) saladin_snake75 asks - "How much have you guys changed the environments in TTS to make use of the addition of the MGS2 gameplay mechanics?"

Substantially - Overall the goal was to keep the same spirit of the game so you will recognize the environments but if you were to look at MGS and TS side by side I believe you would find the difference very substantial.

22) Reneval asks - "Do you believe Twin Snakes will have a high replay value? If so, why?"

Yes, very high. The testing groups felt this way because of all of the extras and fun secrets in the game. We believe gamers will definitely get longevity out of TS. Replay value is something MGS fans expect and we did not want to let them down in this area.

23) sfried asks - ""Denis, is TTS gonna have more guards and better AI in the rooms with goodies, for a better reason to go out exploring the levels?"

Yes, yes and yes.

24) Draco asks - "Are there any plans to change the box art to look more Metal Gear-ish (using Shinkawa's artwork instead of character models)?"

The box art is final I think. I am sorry some of you don't seem to like it.

25) Atries asks - "Was there ever any plan to completely update the dialogue script from the original?"

No, this was never planned.

26) Grayfox02 asks - "Will there be more *gameplay* extras than in the original MGS? EX: Tuxedo,Stealth,Bandanna"

The things listed are all in TS plus more so I would say yes.

27) trippingmartian asks - "Are there any plans on releasing an official soundtrack to The Twin Snakes?"

I am not sure about this one. I'll have check into it. Sorry.

28) Bishman. asks - "Mr. Denis Dyack, Hideo Kojima has already said that he would direct MGS4 if no one stepped up. In addition, Shiggy said that Twin Snakes would keep us busy until the next Metal Gear Solid game. Does this mean Snake Eater or MGS4? Will SK step up and take MGS4?"

We have not really talked specifically on what we will collaborate on next although everyone is set on an original title.

29) The-Cloud-Strife asks - "Denis, was there anything left out, held back, or dumbed down in the slightest to keep it at 2 discs instead of 3?"

Not in the slightest, disc size was never a worry. We were able to optimize our compression to get the game into 2 disks otherwise we would have gone to 3 without hesitation. The compression is lossless because the cinematics (97% anyway) are real time. I see I have to be really careful about posting incidentals like we were almost at 3 disks in threads. Don't worry at all, it's all good.

30) Phaty00 asks - "What was Kojima's overall opinion of the finished game? (i.e. Twin Snakes)"

I believe Kojima-san is very happy with it but that is question better left for him then for me to answer.

31) GreyFox09 asks - "What is the thing you like most about the Metal Gear Solid Series?"

The story, adventure and production value of it all.

32) TwinSnakes asks - "Seeing as how the previous MGS games were the sole creations of Konami/Hideo Kojima, what kind of personality or specific aspects do you feel are the sole contributions of Silicon Knights?"

Well, the game was completely remade and enhanced. From that aspect you will see many SK features through out the game. Also look for a few sanity effects as well as other Nintendo/SK touches throughout.

33) Gotjapanka asks - "who came up with the decision to change Meryl's hair color from red (like it is in the art and the original) to brown? and why did you consider this change?"

This decision was made between Shinkawa-san and our character group. As to the specifics, I am not sure, sorry.

34) Sayonara_Gunslinger asks - "Are there any plans for a Substance'-like Edition or a VR Mission disc for Twin Snakes for future release?

These things are possible but I am aware of any current plans.

35) Malus-Schnider asks - "I have noticed an inconsistency in the projected shadows in the game, some levels have them, others do not! Will this be addressed before the game is released?"

Hehe, you will notice this in every video game. Doing realistic shadows in games is very difficult. However, unless you have actually seen the game in action I am not sure you can even judge the shadows. You have to see the game in motion to truly judge this. If you are judging by screen shots, please don't, some of them are old and done before the game was finished and some of them it is impossible to see how the shadows are working.

The shadows in MGS:TS are consistent and enhanced beyond those seen in MGS 2. So you if you were happy with MGS 2 you should be happy with TS. If you are looking for perfect shadows in games then I believe you are going to have a hard time find perfect shadows in any game.

36) ILIKEMONKEYS2 asks - "Denis, What is your favorite boss fight on this remake of MGS?"

The Hind fight in extreme because of the insane difficulty. For atmosphere I would say I really like Vulcan Raven Boss fight. Some nice subtle additions to that fight.

37) alan2602 asks - "Denis, if/when you're done with TTS, will you play (or have you played) through it? Were you an MGS fan before being assigned with the job of making TTS?"

Yes, I have played through it from beginning to end a few times now and played it parts of it many many times. I was a big fan of the game before we started it.

38) Kadonny asks - "Denis, what aspect of the game do you feel the longstanding fans of the MGS series will be most impressed with?"

I believe fans will be most impressed at sheer amount of change and enhancements done to the game while at the same time keeping MGS:TS keeps the spirit of the original.

39) Qontact asks - "If the opportunity presented itself to work in this type of collaboration with Konami, SK, and Kitamura again in the future, what game would you like to remake?"

That's a secret sorry. All I can say at this point is that another collaboration will result in a original title.

40) athriller asks - "Now that The Twin Snakes has hit the GameCube, is this just a one-off appearance for the Metal Gear series on the system, or can we expect sequels and/or ports?"

I believe there is a good chance will see more work with Konami and Nintendo in the future. However, this is more a question for Konami and not us.

41) "Can the MGS fans consider the Twin Snakes as the "true" story of the Shadow Mosses incident?"

Yes, absolutely.

PS : Encore des choses à ajouter :)
Dernière modification par russellbx le mer. 11 févr. 2004 - 12:50, modifié 9 fois.
Messages : 435
Inscription : ven. 19 déc. 2003 - 18:59

Message par Jer »

Voilà un topic comme je les aime. bien fait, bien illustrer, bonne mise en page, trailer etc... Niquel!
Hikarû Matsuyama
Messages : 245
Inscription : lun. 25 août 2003 - 19:51
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Message par Hikarû Matsuyama »

c'est possible que je fasse la même chose avec Kirby Air Ride?
il va bientot sortir :o
si Matsuyama existait pas ben j'aurais pas ce pseudo :eek:
Liquid Mario
Liquid Mario
Messages : 2869
Inscription : jeu. 05 juin 2003 - 20:19
Localisation : Quelque part ds une galaxie lointaine tres lointaine....

Message par Maitre-Olokin »

Dommmage que se soit tout en anglais....
"Je ne peux pas aller dans un parc. Alors, je crée mon propre parc à Neverland... Mon propre espace d'eau... Mon cinèma... Mon parc à thème... c'est tout ce qui me réjouit." Michael Jackson - Emission 20/20 du 12/09/97
Messages : 435
Inscription : ven. 19 déc. 2003 - 18:59

Message par Jer »

c'est possible que je fasse la même chose avec Kirby Air Ride?
il va bientot sortir :o

Mis à part que Kirby Air Ride est un jeu complètement nul et destiné à un publique très jeune rien ne t'empeche de faire ton topic officiel sur ce jeu.
Hikarû Matsuyama
Messages : 245
Inscription : lun. 25 août 2003 - 19:51
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Message par Hikarû Matsuyama »

Shryurider a écrit :
c'est possible que je fasse la même chose avec Kirby Air Ride?
il va bientot sortir :o

Mis à part que Kirby Air Ride est un jeu complètement nul et destiné à un publique très jeune rien ne t'empeche de faire ton topic officiel sur ce jeu.

je préfère rien dire la paske ton argumentation m'a complètement cassé
si Matsuyama existait pas ben j'aurais pas ce pseudo :eek:
Mario Bros
Mario Bros
Messages : 340
Inscription : sam. 07 juin 2003 - 22:58

Message par perfectdragon »

Shryurider a écrit :
c'est possible que je fasse la même chose avec Kirby Air Ride?
il va bientot sortir :o

Mis à part que Kirby Air Ride est un jeu complètement nul et destiné à un publique très jeune rien ne t'empeche de faire ton topic officiel sur ce jeu.

Ca sent le joueur expérimenté qui y a joué ca :roll:
Mario Bros
Mario Bros
Messages : 290
Inscription : mer. 15 oct. 2003 - 11:44

Message par russellbx »

Shryurider a écrit :Voilà un topic comme je les aime. bien fait, bien illustrer, bonne mise en page, trailer etc... Niquel!

Merci :)

J'aimerais le compléter mais quand je mets à jour et que je veux poster, j'ai droit à un joli "Debug Error"... :(

Faudrait que le scinde en deux pour pouvoir tout mettre.
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros
Messages : 1218
Inscription : ven. 31 oct. 2003 - 17:08

Message par nlurot08 »

c'est le jeu que j'attends le plus à l'heure actuelle vivement le 26 mars je sens que ce jeu va tout détruire.
Sinon,très bien réalisé le topic.
Je suis très beau------>les filles craquent et j'adore ça^^
Ah oui,Zelda powaaaaaaaaaaaa
Messages : 435
Inscription : ven. 19 déc. 2003 - 18:59

Message par Jer »

je préfère rien dire la paske ton argumentation m'a complètement cassé

Désolé mais j'aime pas perdre mon temps a argumenter sur un tel navet...

Je n'y est pas joué mais je me suis fier à un test! Tu vas peut être me dire, "alors toi tu te fis au test et ton opignion alors?", je te répond tout simplement que je me fis pas au test mais pour ce genre de jeu oui!

Je savais déjà que se serait un jeu nul... Pourquoi? Exploité une license comme kirby pour en faire un jeu de course est un bon coup commercial et souvent la réalisation ne suit pas. Ce test a confirmé mon opignion, apparemment les véhicules avance tout seul et impossible de sortir du tracé de la route. Aucun mode championnat etc... Bref le jeu est conseillé aux moins de 10 ans tellement il est simpliste.

Maintenant toi tu peus l'avoir aimé, tu es peut être un fan de la boule rose, tant mieux pour toi, mais je pense pas qu'ils ont inventé des choses dans ce test.

Pour ta gouverne le test dont je parle est celui de console +, ce sont de grands testeurs qui ont de l'expérience et qui savent resté objectif. Ce jeu a été noté 75% soit un des jeux les moins bien du livre.
Hikarû Matsuyama
Messages : 245
Inscription : lun. 25 août 2003 - 19:51
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Message par Hikarû Matsuyama »

roh aller
Console + objectif et puis koi encore?
je me fierai plus au test de Famitsu (34/40) surtout que c'est mon 2ème jeu préféré sur GC (après WE6FE)
je vais te passer un lien ves un test que j'ai fait paske ca me soule de tout réécrire paske la tu connais pas du tout le système de jeu...
ok ca avance tout seul et on peux tomber que sur une course ds le mode Air Ride mais les trajectoires et raccourcis sont plus importants que ds un MKDD basé sur la chance et les objets...


en espérant que tu ne croiera pas a une daube pour cet excelent jeu...

PS:Mario kart c'est pas la license de Mario en jeu de course? ;; )
si Matsuyama existait pas ben j'aurais pas ce pseudo :eek:
Mario Bros
Mario Bros
Messages : 340
Inscription : sam. 07 juin 2003 - 22:58

Message par perfectdragon »

JE rajouterai que tu as des préjugés bien formatés... Alors que moi, qui ne m'attendais pas a grand chose de ce kirby, je me suis bien marré, sans plus, mais je troufve le jeu bien sympa (en l'ayant touché une demi heure avec des potes...) Donc ne dis rien si tu n'y as pas joué. Point barre./
Tigre Celtique
Messages : 157
Inscription : sam. 30 août 2003 - 20:41

Message par Tigre Celtique »

et un jeu de plus a acheter.
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros
Messages : 1198
Inscription : dim. 19 mai 2002 - 12:56
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Message par raptor999 »

Tigre Celtique a écrit :et un jeu de plus a acheter.

kirby :-D
Hikarû Matsuyama tu m'as donné envie d'y jouer, surtout à dire que c ton jeu préféré après we6fe, c fou, faudra que tu me dises plus en privée

mgs a l'air sympa, mais si c un fps de plus, jvois pas trop l'intéret de l'acheter, y en a déjà bien assez sur pc et puis en général c plus jouable, alors quelle est la raison qui vous donne tant envie avec ce jeu ?
Messages : 435
Inscription : ven. 19 déc. 2003 - 18:59

Message par Jer »

Pour l'histoire de faire un topic officiel sur Kirby Air Ride, je rectifie tu ne peus pas en faire un car c'est réservé au Méga Hits... Pas la peine de me dire que c'est un méga hit car c'est san qui a pris cette décision.

Maintenant si on pouvait continuer à parler du sujet de ce topic à savoir MGSTTS ça serait bien.